Luxot Privattagestour, Tal der Könige & Mittagessen
Privattagestour, Tal der Könige & Mittagessen
- Tauchen Sie ein in die Geschichte Ägyptens und der Pharaonen.
- Spazieren Sie durch die größten Freilichtmuseen und besuchen Sie das Tal der Könige, den Terrasse-Tempel der einzigartigen Königin Hatschepsut, die Memnonkolosse und den Komplex des großen Karnak-Tempels.
- Genießen Sie ein leckeres ägyptisches Essen in einem gehobenen Restaurant in Luxor.
In der Früh
werden Sie mit einem komfortablen und klimatisierten Fahrzeug von Ihrem Hotel
abgeholt mit dem Sie sich auf die Fahrt durch die Wüste bis nach Luxor begeben.
Dort angekommen werden Sie garantiert einen unvergesslichen und sehr
lehrreichen Tag in der beeindruckenden Stadt Luxor verbringen. Entdecken Sie
die faszinierende Welt des Alten Ägyptens beim Besuch der schönsten
Sehenswürdigkeiten rund um die Stadt.
Zu Beginn dieses
Luxor Ausflug ab Hurghada werden Sie den majestätischen und beeindruckenden
Tempel von Karnak bestaunen. Dort besichtigen Sie die Säulenhallen und Kapellen
sowie den heiligen See - ein UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe. Im Anschluss werden Sie ein
leckeres, landestypisches Mittagessen in einem ausgewählten Restaurant in Luxor
genießen. Frisch gestärkt und voller neuer Energie werden Sie an Bord eines
Motorbootes gehen und den Nil zum gegenüberliegenden Ufer überqueren.
Dort erwarten Sie
die Stadt der Toten und die Kolosse von Memnon. Bestaunen Sie die einzigen
Überreste des Tempels von Amenophis III. und besuchen Sie das Tal der Könige.
Lassen Sie sich von der atemberaubenden Architektur begeistern und erleben Sie
zuletzt den Tempel der Hatschepsut, der einzigen weiblichen Herrscherin des
alten Ägyptens.
Am Ende eines
unvergesslichen Tages in der faszinierenden Stadt
Luxor, machen Sie sich in dem komfortablen Bus zurück auf den Weg zu ihrem
Hotel, wo Sie sich von diesem lehrreichen und beeindruckenden Tag ausgiebig
erholen können.
Statuen von Amenophis III., Kolosse von Memnon. Tal der Könige, 3 Gräber. Terrassentempel der einzigartigen Königin Hatschepsut. Der Komplex der Karnak-Tempel. Panorama auf dem Nil. Mittagessen auf dem Nil.
Mehr sehen...Included
- Transfer im komfortablen, klimatisierten Fahrzeug
- Besuche und Eintrittsgelder gemäß Reiseplan
- Leckeres, landestypisches Mittagessen
- Deutschsprachiger lizenzierter Ägyptologe
- Softgetränke während des Ausflugs
- Motorboat in the Nile
- Getränke im Restaurant
- Eingang zum Grab Tutanchamuns
- Eingang zum Grab von Ramses VI.
Kopie vom Reisepass oder Personalausweis, Tragen Sie lässige und bequeme Kleidung, einen Hut, eine Sonnenbrille und Sonnencreme. Bitte arrangieren Sie einen Tag vor dem Tour Datum an der Rezeption Ihres Hotels ein Frühstückspaket zum Mitnehmen und ein spätes Abendessen. Bitte bestätigen Sie die Abholzeit und den Abholort einen Tag vor dem Tour Datum.
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Sonntag, 19 Januar 2025The day Tour from Hurghada to Luxor was great and relaxed,took enough time to go through what I intended to see. Guide was excellent, helpful and informative, not to mention a nice and calm nature. He explained and answered quite a few questions I had, helped me understand the background of what I was seeing and could only recommend. Statues of Amenhotep III, Colossi of Memnon. Valley of the Kings, 3 Tombs. Terraced temple of the unique Queen Hatshepsut. The Complex of Karnak Temples. Panorama on the Nile. Lunch on the Nile. All in all a good experience.
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Montag, 09 Dezember 2024We went to many places with the tour guide, including Luxor Temple, Karnak Temple, the sailboat on the Nile, Valley of the Kings, Hatshepsut Temple, and also booked a hot air balloon. The overall experience was very good. tour guide knew so much about the history. Only suggestion to tour takers of this activity, be prepared for a very exhausting trip. Luxor is very hot. The food was awesome. and the scenery was stunning. Our guide's professionalism and attention to detail made it a memorable day. The trip was perfectly planned and executed
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Donnerstag, 24 Oktober 2024Abanoub was exceptionally kind and offered us valuable insights throughout the experience. He provided all the information we needed while giving us the freedom to explore the sites at our own pace, which made it both informative and enjoyable. The Colossi of Memnon are a marvel to behold. Statues of Amenhotep III, Valley of the Kings, 3 Tombs, Terraced temple of the unique Queen Hatshepsut, The Complex of Karnak Temples. Panorama on the Nile. Lunch on the Nile. Highly recommend this well-organized trip
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Donnerstag, 12 September 2024Queen Hatshepsut's temple is a must-see! We had a fab tour and learned a lot! Our guide was extremely knowledgeable and took the time to explain so much to us very patiently. Her English was great. She gave us the opportunity to explore some parts ourselves and take our time, and we didn't feel rushed at all at any point. The driver and transportation worked well with the driver always ready for us when we wanted to move on. The selection of sites that we saw was great, with a lovely lunch stop. The tour guide's professionalism and deep understanding of the site's history made it an enriching visit. Overall I'd 100% recommend!
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Mittwoch, 17 Juli 2024Absolutely wonderful, we really enjoyed our trip. Khaled is professional, very kind, he gave us a lot of information and we also enjoyed our simple human talks. Thank you, Khaled. This trip is highly recommended.
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Dienstag, 28 Mai 2024The hot air balloon ride is unforgettable and is an experience to live once: the views of Luxor at sunrise are simply magical. The visit to the Valley of the Kings and the tombs immerses us completely in Egyptian art. followed by a traditional meal (good food) in an establishment with a sumptuous decor. Afterwards the visit to the temples of Luxor and Karnak are the highlight of the show, immensely large, colorful, aesthetic. All orchestrated by an invested, kind, attentive guide who will have had the double job of photographer thanks to whom we take away lots of memories !! the organization of this day by Demiana who answered our questions before the day very quickly on WhatsApp was great! The transfers between all these sites were done smoothly thanks to our great driver Ahmed who ensured because the journeys from Hurghada are tiring (5 hours of driving with police checks), but it is worth it.
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Donnerstag, 21 März 2024What an amazing excursion. Our guide was extremely knowledgeable and gave us an unforgettable experience. She knew all the best photo spots, what times to visit the destinations, and a full detailed explanation of all the landmarks, along with lots of extra information about Egypt you would never otherwise hear. We were in an air-conditioned van that comfortably fit our group, and our driver was a great guy. The tourguide was very kind, shared a lot of information with us and we could ask a lot. That was really nice. You have to try it!
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Dienstag, 23 Januar 2024Dua was amazing, she explained everything very well, she gave us so much information and the history nerds in us loved every bit of it. We went to Valley of the Kings, Temple of Hatshepsut, Colossi of Memnon Karnak temple & Luxor temple. She is not just an amazing guide but overall, and amazing person, she made our day special in Luxor. She also gave us recommendations for later. 100/10 would recommend her to anyone. Karnak & Valley of the Kings two of the most amazing places in the world! Thank you again!
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Definitely a tour worth its price. Our tour guide and driver were very warm and friendly people. Unfortunately, the time to explore Luxor is quite limited. However, if you are staying in Hurghada, you should definitely take this tour to see Luxor. Hakan – Netherlands
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